A2 Milk vs Regular Milk

A2 Milk vs Regular Milk: Which Milk is Better?

Milk is a perfect food for our body as it contains all the essential nutrients that are required to keep us healthy and fit. But, apart from the nutritional value of milk, there are many other benefits associated with drinking milk. This article discusses the difference between A2 Milk and regular milk and which one is better for you.

A2 Milk VS Regular Milk – What’s The Difference Between Them?

Before we start discussing what makes A2 Milk different from regular milk, let’s first understand what both these milk actually mean.

What Is Regular Milk?

Regular milk is an unfermented dairy product made by extracting the cream from milk. It has been processed through various steps such as filtering, rapid heating, and rapid cooling to remove impurities & decrease bacterial count.

Regular milk can be divided into three types; whole milk, 4.5% fat milk, 3% fat milk, and skimmed milk. Whole milk contains a higher amount of vitamins and minerals compared to the other two varieties. Skimmed milk is basically the low-fat version of whole milk. This type of milk is rich in protein and also provides lots of calcium and vitamin D. 4.5% and 3% fat milk are considered to be the middle options among the types of milk . They don’t have any less calories than skimmed milk but still contain more proteins and fats. 

In short, regular milk is the most popular choice for people who want to stay active. They often opt for this kind of milk because they believe that it will help them maintain their weight.

What Is A2 Cow Milk?

A2 milk is a special form of milk that is produced from cows rich in A2 beta-casein. The milk is made from cows who have a naturally occurring mutation in the gene coding for the A2 beta-caseins. This mutation means that these animals produce A2 beta-casein proteins more than other cows do. As a result, they make milk that is richer in A2 beta-casein like proteins than normal milk.

A2 milk comes from cow breeds namely Gir, Guernsey, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Charolais, Kankrej and Limousin. These cows are fed special diets to increase their production of A2 beta-casein and thus make this type of milk. The milk has been shown to be safe for consumption by humans. It can be used as an alternative to regular cow’s milk.

Difference Between Regular Milk and A2 Milk

Now that we know what both of them represent, let’s discuss the differences between them.

The main difference between regular milk and A2 milk is the presence or absence of caseins. Caseins are responsible for increasing the viscosity of milk and making it thicker. They also provide a creamy texture to the finished product. A2 cow milk is only made up of A2 beta-casein while regular milk includes both A1 and A2 beta-caseins and also several others such as A3,B,C,D,E,F,G,H or I.

Apart from this, A2 milk doesn’t contain any preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. On the contrary, regular milk may contain some of them. Therefore, if you want to drink milk without any additives, then choose A2 milk.

Also, A2 milk does not produce a peptide called BCM-7 (beta-casein morphin) which is found in regular cow’s milk. BCM-7 is an opioid peptide that may cause health problems such as inflammation of the digestive tract, type 1 diabetes, autism etc. In fact, it is believed that some people may have developed an allergy to BCM-7 because they were exposed to it at an early age. There is no evidence that suggests that consuming A2 milk causes any health problems.

Regular milk has certain impurities. Several studies show that many people have intolerance to high bacterial counts. Sometimes, the way regular milk is processed is unhygienic. It is not sterilized properly and hence leads to high levels of bacteria counts. These bacteria cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or stomach cramps. On the contrary, A2 milk is packaged at a certain temperature to keep the bacterial count as low as possible.


Since A2 milk has lower fat content , it provides all the nutritional values like vitamins, minerals, etc. to the body. Therefore, it is considered to be healthier than regular milk.

Compared to regular milk, A2 milk provides higher amounts of calcium. This means that it can help build stronger bones and teeth.

Another major difference between regular milk and milk made from A2 cows is the taste. A2 milk tastes completely different from regular milk. The reason behind this difference is the presence or absence of caseins. While regular milk contains all kinds of caseins, A2 milk only contains one particular casein. This means that A2 milk has a much stronger flavor than regular milk.

Although A2 milk costs slightly more than regular milk, it offers several health benefits. Considering this advantage, it is worth buying A2 milk over regular milk.

Which Milk Is Better For Health?

A2 Milk is one of many forms of milk available today. In addition to being a healthier alternative to regular cow’s milk, it may also offer some benefits over other types of milk.

It is 100% natural and organic. Also, A2 milk is free from cholesterol and saturated fat.  

Several studies have suggested that A2 cow milk contains more protein than other types of milk. In addition, people who drink cow’s milk that is enriched with A2 beta-casein have a lower risk of developing T1 Diabetes since it does not produce BCM-7 peptide. 

It seems that the A2 beta-casein in cow’s milk might play a role in preventing digestive problems, autism and heart diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that people who are more health conscious should consume this type of milk.

Active Moo Farms delivers fresh nourishing A2 cow milk right at your doorstep. They use only quality ingredients which are sourced from trusted suppliers. The milk is produced using the best practices and techniques. Moreover, it undergoes strict quality checks before being delivered to customers.

With Active Moo Farms, you get the following benefits:

  • Freshness Guarantee – You will receive fresh milk every time you order.
  • Quality Assurance – Only top-quality ingredients are used to produce this product.
  • Nutrient-Rich – Active Moo Farms A2 cow milk is rich in nutrients.
  • Organic Product – All the products sold by Active Moo Farms are certified organic.
  • No Hormones Or Antibiotics Used – This product is free from hormones and antibiotics.

Make Your Health Smile with Active Moo Farms A2 Cow Milk! 

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