Farm Fresh Milk vs Packet Milk: Which One is Healthier?

Farm Fresh Milk Vs Packet Milk

We are now in an age, where doorstep milk delivery is not a hassle anymore.

Now, the question is, are we still getting the healthy milk we used to get in old times?

Which milk is more healthy - the present one or the one our ancestors used to drink?

Let’s read what our experts say about this and know the details about farm fresh milk vs packet milk. And reach the conclusion which milk is healthier!

The debate about which milk is healthier has been ongoing for a long time. 

There are many factors to consider. 

However, it is important that you understand the difference between them so that you make the right choice in the selection of milk.

Read on to know more.

Farm fresh milk

The raw, organic milk that is delivered straight to your doorstep from the farms is Farm fresh milk. 

Fresh milk is not processed in any way, a big no to even pasteurisation. 

As a result, it has a few hours or days of shelf life after refrigeration. However, it is the healthiest form of milk you may ever consume.

Packet milk

Processed milk is generally accessible in the form of packets or containers and hence, known as Packet milk

It is available in milk containers, packaged tetra packs, milk pouches, etc. – basically all kinds of packaging that milk comes in.  It is easily accessible in convenience stores, marts, and grocery shops. 

Presently, even local dairy suppliers distribute processed milk in containers.

These are shelf-stable, which means that they have a longer lifespan than fresh milk. 

Approximately, processed milk can stay usable for up to two weeks. So, you would have seen the packets kept on the store shelves without refrigeration.

Nowadays, processed milk is a popular option among dairy consumers. There are a lot of brands available to select from. 

Even you may have consumed it and are maybe doing so in the present. But once you know how bad it is for health, you may definitely want to switch to Farm fresh milk.

Processed milk can differ in terms of processing method and packaging type.

However, every option affects your health so severely that you can suffer from multiple health issues after drinking this milk.

Packet milk is highly processed and it is your right to know the processing methods used to process the packet milk in brief.

Processing Methods for packet milk

Pasteurisation, UHT, homogenization, and fortification are all procedures used to prepare packet milk. 

These procedures are designed to extend the shelf life and nutritional content of milk. This is also known as adulteration. Adulteration is harmful, and understanding the mystery behind adulteration is critical.

Farm fresh milk - The Clear Winner

Farm fresh milk comes straight from the farms to your table, so it retains its nutrients.

On the other hand, packet milk has gone through many steps before it reaches your table, resulting in a loss of its freshness as well as nutritional value. 

In fact, most of the time, packet milk is fortified to enhance the nutritional value, which can make the milk difficult to digest.

Understanding the In-depth Difference Between Farm Fresh Milk and Packet Milk

Farm Fresh milk naturally contains more than 17 micronutrients. Farm fresh milk is devoid of any pasteurisation. This means that the milk retains more of its natural nutrients, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Omega-3 fatty acids.  

Here’s how you can clearly understand the difference between Farm Fresh and Packet Milk –

Farm Fresh Milk Vs Packet Milk

Now that you know why Farm fresh milk is better than Packet milk, it is also essential that you pick the right milk delivery partner to fulfil your dairy needs.

In today’s time, pasteurised milk supply from dairy farm owners has become a common scenario in Indore. And hence, you must pick your milk supplier wisely and after researching adequately about the authenticity.

ActiveMoo Farms is recognized as the best A2 Cow Milk Supplier in Indore. We have steadily grown over the years to become a trusted name in this industry due to our focus on quality of products rather than quantity.

You will get ample positive reviews of our products and happy families consuming our Farm Fresh A2 Cow Milk all over Indore.

Still not convinced, just read on a little more.

5 Solid Reasons Why Farm Fresh Milk from ActiveMoo Farms is the right choice for you?

  1. We understand our cows like our babies and we raise them to become happy and quality cows.
  2. All mothers know why feeding is crucial for kids, as do we. We believe quality feeding is very important and hence, provide our cows with the best quality Feed. Because it is the precursor of cows producing 17+ micronutrients.
  3. Our cows naturally produce seventeen-plus micronutrient-rich milk, which is awesome for your overall health. And we made this possible because of our expertise in enriching the feed of the cow.
  1. ActiveMoo Farms never compromise on quality of products, and this is why our customers love us.
  2. Fast and early delivery is always our focus. The sooner you get the milk, the better it will be. The kids should never miss milk before going to school in the morning.

Why sit with a nutrient-deficient stomach if we can deliver the best-quality nutrient-rich milk in just a couple of hours? 

Get farm fresh milk delivered to your doorstep with ActiveMoo Farms.


Is packed milk good for health?

Packed milk is not good for health as it is processed.  In general, processed milk is deficient in nutrients compared to whole farm fresh milk. Packed milk is a processed food because it has been pasteurised and homogenised. As a result, the processed milk is more difficult for the body to digest.

Does farm fresh milk contain sugar?

No, there is no added sugar in milk but milk contains natural sugar called lactose which our bodies utilise for energy and other tasks.

Why is fresh milk the best?

Farm fresh milk is the best since it is brought to your house just a few hours after it has been milked. And it arrives at your table with an unaltered procedure.

Why should kids consume farm fresh milk?

Every kid needs the proper nutrition especially in their growth years. This is the reason we give our kids milk; for strong bones, fresh minds and to be full of energy. Milk is the best nutrition diet for everyone, and is a necessity in the growth years.

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